Book of the Week: Mission of Honor.

Yeah, the title and the author (David Weber) tells you that Mission of Honor is part of the Honor Harrington series, which I stopped struggling against trying to not buy in hardcover years ago.  Because I am weak.  So weak that I know that I’ll buy this – somehow – when it comes out next June.

And so we say farewell to Sentry Peak. It had a longer run than normal, at least.

Moe Lane

6 thoughts on “Book of the Week: Mission of Honor.”

  1. Are you reading his Safehold series? The fourth book in it comes out in April, which I’m looking forward to. Oh, and for Zardoz, if you’re going to watch that one, it really should be a badly worn nth generation VHS tape, the way we all originally watched it, to get the real experience.

  2. Please don’t do this to me. I thought for a minute that Mission of Honor was out already. As a confirmed Weber fanatic, this is just cruel and unusual punishment.

  3. Ah, well, in some respects I enjoy the Safehold series more than the Honorverse – there’s not nearly as much math, for one thing, which always makes me either want to sketch out his battles, or just glaze over them.

    There are a lot of decent Baen books coming out this year – John Ringo’s ‘Live Free or Die’ comes out next month, which looks really good to me, the new stuff from Weber, a new David Drake in the Lt. Leary series…

  4. The Safehold series has more than a few echoes of the third book in the Dahak series, “Heirs of Empire”. That said, it’s a pretty solid series, and I”m definitely looking forward to book 4.

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