Your warm, fuzzy, feel-good site of the day (health care edition). #rsrh

Megan McArdle says that this post may help those opposed to health care rationing understand what supporters of health care rationing are going through right now. I would say that this post is probably better-suited for helping you discover the proper level of Deep Hurting and existential despair of the Other Side; at least, it gives more entertainment possibilities.  I’d say at least Level V, myself.

Moe Lane

PS: Bad karma?  Sparky, I’ve had my Level II Punch in the Gut.  I’ve had two, in fact: they were called the “2006 and 2008 election cycles,” and I’ve spent four years that I could have more personally profitably spent on roleplaying game design theory helping to build political firewalls, instead.  I’m not saying that I’m an expert on karma, but trust me: I’ve gotten some exposure to it.

2 thoughts on “Your warm, fuzzy, feel-good site of the day (health care edition). #rsrh”

  1. Speaking of sports, karma, and health care entitlements, I’mma let you finish but Malmo has the best feel-good understanding 3/13/09:
    – Tennis Davis Cup match: Sweden vs. Israel
    – “social inequalities”
    – “most generous welfare state”
    – “political radicalization”
    – “anti-democratic values”
    – “symbol of a Western country that is prepared to compromise with those values”

    Too much exposure? Try “Jews flee Malmo as anti-Semitism grows” 1/27/10:

    Slow motion replay? “CBN: Malmo, Sweden: Growing Muslim Influence” 3/12/09:

  2. P.S. Israel def. Sweden 3-2, epic.
    – Redistribution of karma? Swedish Tennis Association warm fuzzy $20,000 fine for rationing… sportsmanlike conduct.

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