Kindle software now available for PC for free.

No actually, this makes a certain amount of sense. I could put it on my laptop and still be able to buy Kindle books to read.

Note ‘could:’ my major problem with the e-book thing is that while I wouldn’t mind transferring my two thousand book library to handy electronic form (I’d get a basement back, among other things), I don’t want to do that at ten bucks a book, or even one buck a book. Twenty-five cents a book for the genre science fiction from the Fifties and Sixties? Yeah, I’ll seriously think about making the switch. But I don’t like mixing formats.

2 thoughts on “Kindle software now available for PC for free.”

  1. Thank you for the heads-up.

    Many of the classics can be purchased for $1.00. Want to ready “The Tempest”? How about all of Shakespeare for $.99? Dickens? Twain? Or just get books from the Gutenberg Project for free.

    10 bucks for a new book? That works.

    Now I can gradually make the transition. Still – it is going to be hard to let go of an actual book.

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