#rsrh Today’s Fantasy/Reality.

I paraphrase.

Fantasy*: “Publicizing a liberal online plot to crash the Tea Parties will destroy the movement once and for all!”

Reality: “Publicizing a liberal online plot to crash the Tea Parties actually immunizes the protests tomorrow.  Yes, it’s annoying.  So are the side effects from a cowpox vaccine.”

Mind you, both Fantasy and Reality wildly over-estimate how many anti-Tea Partiers will be bothered to actually infiltrate and instigate something tomorrow.

Moe Lane

*TPM’s Fantasy, not Hot Air’s.  Hot Air is rolling its eyes at this, too.

3 thoughts on “#rsrh Today’s Fantasy/Reality.”

  1. I’m planning on putting on my Greenpeace t-shirt and showing up with my “Bush is Hitler!” and “Obama is our Messiah” signs. Wonder if the press will report that!

    (Hope someone will stand behind me and hold up a “Fake Democratic Agitator” sign.)

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