As usual, it breaks the GOP’s way. All of these are now “Likely Democrat:”
- AZ-07 (Raúl Grijalva) (Ruth McClung)
- MA-04 (BARNEY FRANK) (Sean Bielat)
- MN-08 (Jim Oberstar) (Chip Cravaack)
- NM-03 (Ben Ray Lugan) (Tom Mullins)
- TX-27 (Soloman Ortiz) (Blake Farenthold)
Five more ‘safe’ seats for the Democrats that aren’t safe anymore. Five more incumbents that the DCCC must divert money to. Five more cracks in the firewall that the NRCC can pound upon.
As somebody noted on Twitter: twenty-two days and counting.
Moe Lane
You’re right Moe, it feels MUCH better when the tide turns your way. I’m getting a ’94 feeling, with doubleplushivers!
’94, Jeff?! This is starting to make 1994 look like a small little garden party!!
Believe me, I followed 1994 obsessively, I ain’t seen nothing like this before! I really do believe +60 is pretty much the *floor* at this point, with much higher gains very, very possible!!
When you’re throwing people like Frank and Carolyn Maloney of NY-04 and Oberstar (and I think Peterson of MN-07 is another one who’s off people’s radar screens who shouldn’t be…) ‘under the bus’, trust me – this is like nothing we’ve ever seen before… 😀
P.S. I notice Cook still hasn’t added Tierney of MA-06 to the list yet. Oh well, give him time… 😉
I didn’t see FL-11 on the Cook list. Everybody says that the race is a shoe in for incumbent Kathy Castor but Col.
Mike Prendergast is coming on strong. I can’t imagine that we would send Castor back to the House with her voting record.
Go Sean go!!
I saw the Fox 25 (Boston) debate tonight and donated MORE money to Sean Bielat. Stick a fork in Barney…he’s done!