That ‘Get Betty White on SNL’ thing is paying dividends: she’s going to be in the next Men In Black flick. Also, somebody called Nicole Scherzinger, who is apparently some sort of singer for a band that seems to extrude DRAMA from every pore.
I must be getting old: the Betty White thing is more entertaining.
Moe Lane
(Via The Other McCain)
You mean the Super Bowl commercial? That started the Facebook “Get Betty White on SNL” thing, so you better recognize.
I don’t want to tell you how to run a blog, but when you get a chance to link to the Pussycat Dolls, a few minutes with Google Image can probably find something better than their Wikipedia entry.
Well, you know me, Ken: I’m just a bit of a fuddy-duddy.
Moe Lane
PS: You doing another horror kid’s book? Doctor Seuss could use a little Hound of Tindalos addition, methinks.
I’m told the Seuss estate is humorless and litigious, so the next one looks to be “Cliffourd the Big Red God.”
I look forward to it: I plan to incorporate Where The Deep Ones Are into the nighttime story routine just as soon as I am certain that my wife will not Smite me for making the attempt.