…is going to haul off and deck a TSA employee*.
Assuming that the guy (it’ll probably be a guy) survives the experience – which would cause a storm of feces all its own – it will be amazing how quickly a jury lets him off; and it’ll all be because of stories like this one. “TSA Confiscates Mentally Challenged Man’s Toy:” the title says it all.
Moe Lane
PS: I’m generally not in favor of decking anybody; and the majority of TSA people I’ve encountered haven’t actually been awful about the procedures. But all it takes is one TSA fool intersecting with one traveler having too bad a day to create an incident.
*That this has not happened yet is a testimony to the American people’s civic-mindedness. If you’re a progressive (or a hard-shelled libertarian) you probably have a different, and much more dismissive, interpretation – but I’m neither, and I say it’s civic-mindedness.
My guess is that it won’t be someone traveling alone. It’ll be a parent whose kid is subjected to this garbage. As the father of two little girls (and the husband of an ex-NFL cheerleader) I refuse to fly my family anywhere because I know it’ll result in me being led away in handcuffs. And bail is freaking expensive.