It was either this or “Happy Happy Joy Joy.”
Bruces’ Philosophers’ Song (Monty Python Sings), Monty Python
It was either this or “Happy Happy Joy Joy.”
Bruces’ Philosophers’ Song (Monty Python Sings), Monty Python
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Thanks for the pick me up, but it’s a pretty dark night. What the hell was McConnell thinking? How the hell do we recover from this? Is there no one in a position of meaningful leadership who will fight? Or even knows how to?
I’m sorry, Aruges, but my baseline for ‘pretty dark night’ is November 7, 2006. McConnell getting a case of the too-clever-by-halves doesn’t really compare. 🙂
Heh. Mentioning Happy Happy Joy Joy reminds me of the old days on, when someone put together their idea for a Ren & Stimpy pinball machine. The relevant highlight was that during the multiball, it was going to play Happy Happy Joy Joy for the entire duration. This is why, I guess, that some ideas are better off discussed and not actually implemented.
One of the greatest songs of all time.
That said, I agree entirely with aruges, what is McConnell smoking, don’t give me any of that.
I’m with Moe on this one, though November 4, 2008 was awfully dark as well.
That it was, although at least we had some warning, there.
If you ever do Happy Happy Joy Joy, you should do it with this video.
You are entirely correct, BG5.