#rsrh Jan Schakowsky (D, IL): dumb* as a sackful of hammers.

Verum Serum is perfectly correct: we either have a cash reserve of 3.2 trillion in our Social Security lockbox, or we do not (we do not, by the way).  If we did (we do not), then the President’s bluff of not issuing Social Security checks would have been even more stupid than it first seemed.  Since we do not have that reserve, it is irresponsible for the Democrats to pretend that the money is there – but that’s actually an incidental point; the true point is that Jan Schakowsky can’t have it both ways.  She has to pick one narrative, and live with the consequences.


But it’s fun to watch her try to squirm off of the hook.  Yeah, call your hosts ignorant some more there, Jan.  That’ll shut them up… no, no it did not.

Moe Lane

*That is me being nice.

3 thoughts on “#rsrh Jan Schakowsky (D, IL): dumb* as a sackful of hammers.”

  1. You completely missed her important point (probably because like Don & Roma you don’t understand Social Security): they haven’t missed a payment since 1935! Who else can say that? So, there you have it. Makes perfect sense to Jan.

  2. It infuriates me when Libs reference the Social Security trust fund. There is no trust fund!! we spent the money 10x over. The money is g-o-n-e.

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