And I thought that *my* wedding pictures…

…were entertaining; but this… well, go see this couple’s*.  Spoil the surprise, I will not.

Via @MelissaTweets.

Moe Lane

*Well, one of them, at least.  For some reason, the picture of my wife and I cutting the cake turned into a display of competing knife/fencing fighting stances.  Then again, our entrance music for the reception was The Imperial March, so there you go.

5 thoughts on “And I thought that *my* wedding pictures…”

  1. Heh. At my wedding, the recessional music was a string quartet doing the march from the final scene of Star Wars (ep4). (Episode 1 came out about a month before my wedding.)

  2. I was married in a full kilt/Bonny Prince Charlie getup (and all my groomsmen were similarly attired) and, of course, we had a piper for several of the musical portions. My best man was rumored to have attempted to bribe the piper $200 to fall down so that he could spring forth and proclaim “We have a piper down! I repeat, a piper is DOWN!”.

    The only thing that prevented such from occurring was the equally prevalent rumor that my wife would’ve killed him on the spot.

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