…which is good, because my paperbacks are starting to acidify. The first one up is “Call Me Joe,” which I remember first encountering in comic book form when I was a kid; as I remember, it actually was a pretty faithful adaptation of the original. For those wondering: the story is much like Avatar – to the point where James Cameron is lucky that Anderson is dead, and thus can neither sue nor Smite – only without the America/capitalism-bashing. Which is to say, it’s like Avatar, only much superior and written much earlier.
I look forward to seeing the rest of Anderson’s stuff there: it’d also be nice if somebody started doing it for, say, Robert Bloch. I have been meaning to track down his Strange Eons for a while now, and discovering that it’s not available electronically has been kind of frustrating. I mean, I would cheerfully give his estate the money for a copy, if only a copy was available*… och, well, that’s why I have a Wish List. (Which has been updated.)
Via Instapundit.
Moe Lane
*Heh. I almost wrote evailable. We were this close to seeing a new word created in English…
There’s still time, Moe. Create the word. Make it happen.
I started reading the Van Rijn Method as my first real exposure to his work. Beginning is kinda tough going, but I’m hoping the space capitalist fun promised on the back cover kicks in soon.
Most/all of the polesotechnic league stuff is available via baen’s webscriptions, which work on kindle just fine, fwiw.
well, I’m still a dinosaur where books are concerned, so it’s only On Dead Tree for me!
I didn’t think that the Kindle was going to be as useful to me as it turned out to be, but it has been – I’m going to migrate a lot of books over to it, as time allows. Aside from everything else, when I finally get this damn gallbladder yanked I figure that I’m going to be spending a lot of time on my butt with either it, or the version for the iPad.
Good luck, Moe. If you get it done laproscopically (spelled correctly I hope), recovery should be pretty quick!