GI JOE: Retaliation trailer.

OK.  OK.  I know what you’re going to say.  I really and truly do.  I would, in fact, probably say that myself.  But just watch it until the end, and when you’re done, you will hopefully understand why this may be a thing.


Now, I’m getting the impression that this is not a crossover between GI JOE and Die Hard.  Which is… why the hell isn’t it said crossover?  I’d watch that; wouldn’t you?

5 thoughts on “GI JOE: Retaliation trailer.”

  1. Samurai Power Rangers sword fighting while rappelling from the side of cliff? (insert Burgess Meridith voice) What are we waiting for?

  2. At first I was like, meh, okay another GI Joe, the first one wasn’t great, but hey, The Rock. But then it went all yippie-ki-yay-mister-falcon* and I’m like “I AM GOING TO SEE THIS MOVIE AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME!”

    *It’s almost funnier that way. Almost.

  3. Could also be a crossover with RED…loopy John Malkovich, anyone? (Not to mention Helen Mirren with a sniper rifle, and I don’t think I just speak for myself…)

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