QotD, He Might Even Be Right Edition.

Yves Jégo, on his hopes to create “Napoleonland,” a French theme park based on the life of if I have to tell you whose life the park is based on then we’re all just going to be kind here and pretend that you didn’t just admit to not figuring it out on your own:

Other curious potential attractions include a ski run through a battlefield “surrounded by the frozen bodies of soldiers and horses” and a recreation of Louis XVI being guillotined during the revolution – the precursor to Napoleon’s rise to power.

“It’s going to be fun for the family,” he [sic] Mr Jégo told the Times.

Depends on the animatronics, really.

6 thoughts on “QotD, He Might Even Be Right Edition.”

  1. I wonder what kind of ride they will put together for the “Exiled on a island and slowly poisoned to death” period of his life… Oh who am I kidding, that will be the Bar near exit!

  2. I though this already existed and was called “New Orleans”.
    Isn’t that why they have his death mask?

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