Tim Powers book: it’s a sequel to his genuinely terrifying novel The Stress of Her Regard. Although the book was terrifying mostly because its thesis (that Bryon, Shelley, & Keats were all the targets/victims/beneficiaries of extremely jealous vampires*) explained the entire Romantic movement perfectly. There were no holes in the logic. Everything made too much sense. You read it, thought Yeah, it must have been vampires – and then you shuddered.
Tim Powers does that a lot.
Anyway, Hide Me Among the Graves is not as good. Which is not as bad as it sounds, because as the above might suggest I think that The Stress of Her Regard is one of the best two books that Powers has written. If you’ve read the first book, you’ll like the second; if you haven’t read either, start clicking links to rectify this unfortunate situation. Trust me: you deserve to be a person who has read The Stress of Her Regard.
Moe Lane
*This is one time where I don’t want to do too many spoilers for either book; but that much was bloody obvious from the start, if you’ll pardon the pun. Or even if you won’t.