…real quick, for people more experienced in minis: what should NOT be discussed? What are the agree-to-disagree-or-fear-our-wrath topics?B ecause you know that guy, who starts a three-day flamewar via an innocent question? Yeah, I don’t want to be that guy.
…What? It’s different when it’s not politics. I’m not a monster.
Moe Lane
I haven’t really seen much like that on the OGRE board.
The Car Wars board is a bit touchy at the moment (some of the grognards there consider OGRE to be their mortal enemy and are very unhappy that participants in the OGRE KS get input into the next edition of Car Wars).
While you’re visiting, the RP in General board is often interesting.
Luke: …that’s nuts: I’m a Car Wars guy myself, and that KS made me jump up and down in joy. It means that we’re getting the game back!
You’re NOT a monster? …well, there’s another bet lost.
Minis war fodder? Scale. Games Workshop. Period. Perhaps metal choice (lead, lead-free pewter, resin, etc.). Accurate colors for anything outside 1700-1900. Maybe intellectual property, on the boundary cases.
Most of them just don’t apply to Ogre.
Me too. Heck, OGRE is what caused me to buy Car Wars back when it was first released. But since the company had limited resources, some CW fans saw Ogre as “stealing” resources from CW. There are some that still proudly (and loudly) carry the grudge.
You could always lurk for a while and learn what the forum won’t tolerate. I always thought that that was the preferred method of learning what not to talk about.
I could be wrong.
Still, it’s smart to use whatever resources are at hand, as long as they are legal and ay least quasi-moral.
No experience with the SJG forums, but on other mini boards I frequent, one of the big flame baits is NMM (Non-Metallic Metal) techniques. For reasons that are inscrutable to me, those techniques are controversial in some circles.
The Kickstarter has brought everyone out of the woodwork, including me, and all possible land mines are being stepped on. I can’t think of a major issue that doesn’t have a current thread on it.
So don’t worry about smoking in the middle of a forest fire.
“No experience with the SJG forums, but on other mini boards I frequent, one of the big flame baits is NMM (Non-Metallic Metal) techniques. For reasons that are inscrutable to me, those techniques are controversial in some circles.”
That is baffling to me as well. It’s like being upset that someone dips their minis instead of using a wash. It’s one thing to not like a particular style of painting, but to actively froth at the mouth about it? Epic. Waste. Of. Time. Not to mention, silly.
Wait, I forgot; this is the intenets we’re talking about. Perfectly reasonable then.