The Democrats will force Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr to resign.

The Washington Post is reporting the first whispers of resignation – couched as ‘advice’ from Rep. Jackson’s ‘friends’ – and that’s only going to get worse for the Congressman.

…And I’m torn on what to write next.  Do I really want to come up with a workable scenario where the Illinois Combine can legally switch out Rep. Jackson in time for the election?  They might do it!

(Via Instapundit)

Moe Lane

PS: Brian Woodworth for Congress.


6 thoughts on “The Democrats will force Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr to resign.”

  1. Honestly, does it matter? IL is one of the bluest of the blue states, and presumably Junior’s district is no exception.


    [Googles]… D+36? Yeah. It may not be Jr’s seat in January, but unless the Mayans were right, it will be a (D) holding it.

    1. Just Dave: Yes. It always matters. 🙂 If for no other reason than making ’em fight for stuff that they didn’t budget for fighting for is a worthwhile goal in and of itself.

  2. OT Moe,

    Yesterday Steve Jackson recommended Steampunk Heroes cards on Kickstarter, looked cool. Now nolonger available, any ideas of what happened?

    1. I dunno what happened, Spegen. I can’t really get into any new KSers right now – kind of tapped out – so I wasn’t following that one.

  3. It matters, I think, because of a very touchy faction of the Democratic party that is already hurting over the NAACP snub. If the Democrats make Senator Jackson resign after putting up with Bill and Ted’s much more impressive sleaze, then there will be correct accusations of a double, racist, standard.

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