This link to the Atlantic’s report on Beijing’s insanely, freakishly, and stereotypically Communist horrible air quality is not so much bad as it is leading to a verrrrrry slowly loading website (the animations are kind of poorly designed, I think). But then, you only need to see this:
See, this is why friends don’t let friends install Marxist regimes in their countries. Because Marxism is intellectualism for stupid people. We never got this bad even before we had an EPA*. But then, there’s that entire ‘respect for property rights’ thing…
Moe Lane
(via Jim Geraghty’s Morning Jolt)
*It is a measure of the EPA’s success that people forget that there was a reason why Richard Nixon created it in the first place:
What we need is a good burning river in China, maybe – just maybe- then the leftists will realize that its not sunny in their peoples paradise.
ChiComs. I would have tweeted your post, but you justify the EPA. Nothing can justify the EPA.