#rsrh Barack Obama: typically ignorant of GOP farm bill’s passage.

(H/T Gateway Pundit) Well, this is embarrassing:


Short version: in his haste to make it look like he actually cares about the state of Iowa, Barack Obama snidely wondered what was up with passage of the farm bill.  Well, what’s up with the farm bill is that House Republicans did pass an emergency one two weeks ago; only, Democrat Debbie Stabenow got her nose so out of joint because she couldn’t have her Five Year Plan* passed that she refused to let the Senate version advance.  Which you would think that Barack Obama would know perfectly well, since the New York Times reported that Senate aides indicated “the White House would have considered the House measure”.

I guess nobody ever tells Barack Obama anything.  Frankly, I wouldn’t: there’s always the chance that he’d take an interest in the subject, and thus muck it up thoroughly.


Moe Lane

PS: I guess that this Onion article is correct: Paul Ryan really doesdo what the Onion says that he does… to the Democratic party (via @EWErickson).

*Yes, I admit it: it is a cheap shot. I am not yet a Buddha.

5 thoughts on “#rsrh Barack Obama: typically ignorant of GOP farm bill’s passage.”

  1. In the Obama economy, cheap is the only kinda shots most of us can afford…. heck, Harry Reid couldn’t even come up with the scratch for factual cheap shots.

  2. Moe,

    That was the funniest Onion bit I’ve read in years. Thank you for not being perfect.


  3. The underlying thread of that Onion piece was The Evil that I think Mr. Geraghty spoke of. Still funny as hell, but maybe not the way they might have hoped.

  4. I guess nobody ever tells Barack Obama anything. Frankly, I wouldn’t: there’s always the chance that he’d take an interest in the subject, and thus muck it up thoroughly.

    OMG! He’s Arthur Carlson’s evil twin!

    “As God is my witness, I thought trillion-dollar defecits could fly!”

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