…Sorry. I just can’t go after a guy for being a homebrewer.

Everybody’s got his line in the sand, and that’s mine. More people should make their own beer (and then the best of them should give me some*).

Speaking of sand, ByronYork’s reporting that tide came in on that Obama sand-sculpture thing.

Personally, I just thought that the thing was kind of tacky and embarrassingly hideous, but I know people were reading stuff into it.

Moe Lane

*Hey, I can chip in for raw materials and stuff.

10 thoughts on “…Sorry. I just can’t go after a guy for being a homebrewer.”

  1. I homebrew as well. I can’t get mad at anyone for that… unless they make swill. Then I dump them in their vat for wasting materials. 😛

  2. You realize the odds that Obama actually boils, siphons, and kegs his “homebrew” are about zero, right? He’s got staff for that.
    As for the sand sculpture — I suspect neighborhood cats were not showing the Won proper deference.

  3. Rob, I wasn’t giving Obama credit for making the beer. I was just saying I can’t be mad at the White House for divulging THESE secrets. 😉

    I like me some good beer recipes.

  4. Shawn, there MUST be a copy of the “Cat’s Meow” floating around the Internet, still. Dates back to the Usenet days. Included my simple, but strangely successful, recipe for strawberry mead.

  5. I still say it was the one unquestioned good of the Carter Administration that he legalized home brewing. 🙂

  6. funny how the administration that hides the actions of their Attorney General are proud to laud the meager accomplishments of their cooks

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