Folks, this is the definition of ‘insanity.’
Gov. Scott Walker’s law repealing most collective bargaining for local and school employees was struck down by a Dane County judge Friday, yet another dramatic twist in a year and a half saga that likely sets up another showdown in the Supreme Court.
See Hot Air for analysis, including the (accurate) prediction that this ruling will be overturned by the WI Supreme Court with all due speed. I just want to note that the politics of this are pretty awful for the Democrats. Not to belabor the obvious, but the people of Wisconsin are happy with their collective bargaining reforms. It saves them money and keeps the budget solvent; besides, the people who are against said reforms are pretty freaking bizarre. If the Wisconsin Democratic party wants to go over the cliff, the Wisconsin Republican party will be happy to help them.
And that’s pretty much it. Again: thanks.
Moe Lane
Brought to you by the same people who made MI competitive this year. O’Bama might have thought bailing out GM and Chrysler was a good idea but he didn’t do his homework, most of the bond holders were retire UAW members. You know old guys and gals who really know how to hold a grudge.
This is intended to drive turnout for the election. I don’t think they realize it’ll drive up the turnout for Republicans, too.
It’s like liberals are waging their own version of jihad or something.
@Rob – did they not notice that all those new GOP voters out in the fields (outside Madison and Milwaukee) were *real people*, unlike all those voters in Milwaukee who just .. vanished…
What do you all think? Do you think the WI supreme court will be smart enough to quickly overturn this ruling? I sincerely hope so. I don’t see what authority this judge has. This is nonsense – that one judge can simply nullify a law which was not only signed into law, but was upheld by the WI supreme court.