#rsrh State Department gets out from under administration’s narrative about Benghazi attacks.

The wheels on the bus go round round round, round round round, round round rouBHWUDDUAH BHWUSDDUAH GREEEIIIIIICCCCHHHHH ERRNNNNNIIAANNCH HEUGUNNCH…

The UK Telegraph sums up what happened yesterday with remarkable terseness: “The US state department has released a full account of what happened the night its ambassador to Libya was killed, rejecting its own earlier claims that the attack was a protest that had got out of hand. ” Short version: what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack; there was never any real question that it was a terrorist attack; there were no protests at the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack; and UN Ambassador Susan Rice* either didn’t know what she was talking about when she was blaming the whole thing on a video trailer, or else she lied through her teeth.  In other words, forget about the Obama administration’s version of events being coherent.  It’s barely recognizable as being in English.

As usual.

If you’re wondering why we’re seeing a sudden outbreak of candor breaking out over at State, well… a Congressional Oversight committee hearing tends to concentrate the mind.  Especially these days, given that the career State Department officials are starting to suspect that the current crop of political appointees aren’t going to be around for much longer…

Moe Lane

*Don’t join your office’s holiday Secret Santa program, ma’am.

“Fortunate Son.”

I possibly should update this: partially because the slam against the President for his former opposition to same-sex marriage is outdated, but largely because most of the Democrats shown in it are right now out exploring new and exciting opportunities in the private sector.

Or about to: HI, Congressman Carnahan!

Fortunate Son, Creedence Clearwater Revival

#rsrh So, Biden’s avoided taking questions since May.

I suspect that ABC has its own suspicions as to why.

When Vice President Joe Biden steps on the stage at Centre College for the Vice Presidential debate in Kentucky Thursday night, it will be the first time the vice president has been on national television airwaves answering questions from a reporter since the May Meet the Press interview when he expressed his comfort with gay marriage.

The vice president has engaged in no national TV interviews and few local and print interviews since that May questioning session which forced President Obama to complete his evolution on the issue sooner than expected.

…Personally, I am not as sanguine about the VP debate as some people on my side are.  Unlike Obama, many people actually personally like Joe Biden; he could undo a lot of the damage that Obama did to the Democrats.  Still…

Continue reading #rsrh So, Biden’s avoided taking questions since May.

Today’s moment in applied terror from MoeLane.com.

You know how, a lot of times, history decides that the classic, emblematic art of a particular time period was something else different than the art that the people of said time period would pick? My favorite example is Dracula: if you told people in the 19th century that the novel would end up being taught in literature classes they’d have looked at you with the same pitying contempt that they reserved for opium addicts. None the less: a lot of times that sort of thing, well, happens.

So… Ice, Ice Baby. Continue reading Today’s moment in applied terror from MoeLane.com.

Big Bird throws Barack Obama under the bus.

They don’t want any part in this one.

Sesame Workshop Response to Campaign Ads

Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down.

I believe that Barack Obama needs to apologize to Sesame Workshop now; don’t you? After all, he approved that message.

#rsrh FireDogLake(!) attacks Obama adminsitration over Big Bird ad.

I will give FDL at least some credit: unlike 99% of their progressive compatriots, they aren’t afraid to point out when a Democrat has no clothes on.

Let’s look at that litany of Wall Street “criminals” and “gluttons of greed,” which later get juxtaposed with Big Bird. You have Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay and Dennis Kozlowski. So two CEOs prosecuted and convicted by George W. Bush’s Justice Department, and Madoff, whose son turned him in before Obama took office, in December 2008, and who pleaded guilty. So the Obama campaign could not fill a list of three Wall Street criminals that the Obama Justice Department actually sent to jail. Heck, they couldn’t fill a list of one!

Continue reading #rsrh FireDogLake(!) attacks Obama adminsitration over Big Bird ad.

#rsrh I do not wish to declare DOOM in the national race yet.

Obama ads like the one found in this Politico article are going to make it difficult for me:

Yup.  Somebody thought that this was a good idea.  I hope to God that it runs in every swing state, including the ones with a lot of people wondering whether Obama is really as Presidential as they once thought. I also wouldn’t mind hearing whether or not the Sesame Corporation is happy with them being identified with the Democratic party at this point; after all, I have Christmas shopping to do.

Politico, by the way, is not happy:

…the president, as others have noted, and his team have been going fairly small at a moment when Romney is consistent in a message and pivoting toward going bigger (the foreign policy speech, more emotion on the trail, and so forth). And this video is the kind of small ball that Boston smacked over for months.


Moe Lane