#rsrh Chart of the Day, This Deal Just Keeps Getting Worse edition.

As God is my witness: I never thought that it would get this bad.

I thought that after it was clear that the stimulus didn’t work, the Democrats would see sense.  I thought that after it was clear that the country wanted the government to concentrate on economic recovery, the Democrats would see sense.  I thought that when the American people went out and spanked the Democrats in 2010 like Romney spanked Obama at the last debate, the Democrats would see sense.

But they didn’t.

So vote every Democrat out that you possibly can.  Down to bedrock.

#rsrh New Romney-Ryan ad: “5 Trillion.”

I’m guessing that OfA spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter is regretting admitting that, yeah, Romney’s plan is nothing like a five trillion tax cut:


I mean, given that Mitt Romney is quoting her in his latest ad and everything.  Funny: I thought that press flacks flacked for their own side.  I mean, she screwed up on that one like Barack Obama in a debate.

Moe Lane

PS: Mitt Romney for President.

Welcome to the new Media paradigm, Mister Gibbs.

It’s one where you get interrupted when you try to spin the stupid things that your candidates say.

For those without video, it shows: George Stephanopoulos (!) playing a clip of Joe Biden’s infamous ‘buried’ gaffe*; asking Robert Gibbs whether gaffes like this will hurt the Vice President in his upcoming debate with Paul Ryan**; and stopping Gibbs cold when Gibbs tried to claim that Biden was talking about the last eight years*** when Biden clearly said four.  Pure entertainment, in other words: oh, I’m sure that there were plenty of softballs and whatnot.  It’s Stephanopoulos, after all.  But perhaps the Media is figuring out that smacking the Democrats around a bit promises to be good for the ratings… Continue reading Welcome to the new Media paradigm, Mister Gibbs.

#rsrh …So, where is everybody on the Sunday talking head shows?

I never watch the blessed things, myself – there are people who do that so I won’t have to, and God bless their sacrifice – but I do note who’s on them, because if you know who’s usually on them then you know when something unusual is going on.  And something unusual is going on: the lineup this week is Robert Gibbs, Gov. Martin O’Malley, Brett O’Donnell (professional TV debate coach), Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Ed Gillespie, Newt Gingrich, Chuck Todd, Mike Murphy, Hilary Rosen (finally out of the penalty box?), Arnold Schwarzenegger, RNC chair Reince Priebus, and DNC figurehead chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.


It would seem that both campaigns have decided to mostly skip this week’s festivities.  Makes sense for Romney-Ryan – they had a great week, and are busy, accordingly – but Obama-Biden did not have a great week*.  If there was ever a time for damage control, this is the time… but apparently the Democrats are hunkered down and buttoned up.  Which is rather typical of them; and before you say ‘Good,’ remember: the Obama administration does the same thing with natsec problems, too.

Moe Lane

[UPDATE]: Oh, wait, they also have Axelrod on.  Yeah, that will save the Obama campaign. Not.

PS: Do click the link: Andrew Malcolm has some good snark this morning.

*When you are stuck trying to demagog Big Bird and act as if a 7.8 unemployment rate is great news, you by definition are not having a great week.  When you apparently have to hide your record fundraising tally by reporting it on a Saturday, you are apparently having a sockelganger of a bad week; the kind where the full details don’t come out until everybody involved is out of office.


Bretibart.com passes along the quote:

Norah O’Donnell: “Some Democrats say [Obama’s] campaign needs a wake-up call.  Bill Plante is here with that part of the story.  Bill, you’ve been talking to your sources; what are they saying?

Correspondent Bill Plante: “Well Norah, they’re simply upset and really outraged.  They blame the President’s team, first of all, for not preparing him to meet the challenge of an aggressive Mitt Romney.  They say that nobody in the room challenged him, including the guy that he was debating with, John Kerry, because, as they say, he wants to be Secretary of State so he’s not going to get in the President’s face.

I can’t remember where I saw this first, sorry.  Still… man, but how some people have come down in the world.  I mean, having to resort to blaming your fail on John Kerry?  Shudder…

#rsrh As God is my witness, and I swear I am not being a partisan hack this time…

…but there’s something deeply weird about the fact that Obama for America took this long to announce that they and the DNC had a fundraising haul of 181 million in September*.  That’s a great number for the campaign – it won’t allow them to dominate the airwaves like it would have (and in fact did) in September of 2008, but it’s great – but rumors about this haul have been circulating for the last two days.  Throwing this out on a Saturday AFTER getting shellacked on Wednesday makes very little sense. Continue reading #rsrh As God is my witness, and I swear I am not being a partisan hack this time…

#rsrh Breaking from Mother Jones: Paul Ryans wants USA to emulate… Delaware.

I do not think that this will have the impact that Mother Jones thinks that it will.

For those without video, it shows Paul Ryan calmly noting that a) it makes sense to have a pro-commerce and pro-business atmosphere in the United States that will make people from other countries want to park their money in our bank and b) you can raise revenue without raising taxes by growing the economy.  While I understand that Mother Jones is almost violently opposed to pro-business and anti-taxation ideas, they are somewhat hampered by the minor detail that Paul Ryan’s next debate opponent is going to be Joe Biden, former Senator from Delaware.  Watching Biden trying to explain why it’s all right for Delaware to deliberately and unashamedly pursue business-friendly policies, but not all right for the USA to ramp up to do the same on the international scale, would be hysterical – but not as much as the Left’s reaction.  They still haven’t recovered from the beatdown that Romney gave Obama, you see.

Via AoSHQ and Riehl World View.

…I guess that the anthropomorphic representation of karma really liked “Stay With Me.”


Stay With Me, Faces

I figure that it’s the only reason to explain why Rod Stewart seems to have gotten away with being, well, Rod Stewart for all those years.  Which doesn’t bother me, if only because Rod Stewart seems to get that in any rational universe he’d be dead for twenty years; so no need to tempt fate there by lecturing the rest of us about possible poor life choices.  Would that more celebrities counted their blessings like that…

(Via AoSHQ)

Moe Lane