Fine. Here’s a God-damned socialist flag for you:
Tells you everything that you need to know about both Marxism-Leninism, and the weak sisters that don’t quite dare live up to its vision.
Moe Lane
PS: Yeah, I figure that my kids’ grammar school teachers are just going to love me. Time honored tradition in my family, time honored tradition.
Words fail me.
Correction: Polite words fail me so I’ll stop while I’m ahead.
Good plan… but I don’t want to be scripted.
Symbols are a .. well, they’re *symbols*, they’re a shorthand for common referents.
The Stars and Stripes are *also* symbols, y’see .. and are symbols that *ought* to be taught.
p.s. imagine if someone tried to play this in the classroom:
I suggest an alternate flag, Moe. The one depicted here:
Just sayin’
Doesn’t the SEIU have some sort of flag? Wouldn’t that work? Or the “O” logo?
Yours is to busy, I think a hangman’s noose would also get the point across
I think a white background and red hammer & sickle would help the pile of bodies stand out better.