Bloombergite gun-grabbers debating whether to flip Mark Pryor’s seat to the GOP.





Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the well-funded group co-founded by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, is seriously considering a months-long television, radio and direct-mail campaign against Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor, one of four Democrats who opposed expanding a background check for guns.

The goal: Make an example of him.

That’s the last thing that the GOP wants to have happen; and God help us if they go after Begich in Alaska, too.  Or Kay Hagan for her no vote on an assault weapons ban and a yes on national concealed-carry.  And whatever else MAIG does, don’t let them make sure that all the Democratic nominees for open seats next year are gun-grabbers!

That would just suck.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

5 thoughts on “Bloombergite gun-grabbers debating whether to flip Mark Pryor’s seat to the GOP.”

  1. It’s about time. It really isn’t fair for Republicans to be the only ones screwing up winnable races by nominating awful candidates.

  2. On a more important note, seen the latest Ogre update? Twenty *five* pounds of Ogre!!

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