I’m going to cheat and write a post…

…about how I have nothing to write a post about.

Sorry about that; between Iron Man 3 and the youngest starting toilet training today it’s been a bit of a distracting day. And that’s aside from… everything else, really.

6 thoughts on “I’m going to cheat and write a post…”

  1. So…how did you like IM3?…without being spoileriffic, of course…
    For the record, I enjoyed it a lot and was alternately gobsmacked, delighted and laughing like a loon at the you-know-what…

      1. It definitely wasn’t the dumpster fire that Iron Man 2 was. I suspect that movie’s stench is what lead to Disney benching Favreau in favor of Black.

      2. Well, speaking personally, there were Manly Tears, and then the Mood Whiplash hit…
        Yes, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life…

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