Guess who wrote this, six years ago?
In Washington, scandals metastasize, growing and changing until we can’t remember what they were about in the beginning. A bungled burglary became a cancer on the presidency, forcing Richard Nixon to resign in disgrace. A money-losing Arkansas real estate deal led to Monica, a blue dress and Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Already, the furor over the dismissal of eight U.S. Attorneys has shifted focus from the crass but essentially routine exercise of political patronage to the essential project of George W. Bush’s presidency: its deliberate and aggressive efforts to expand and protect Executive power.
Go on. Guess.
Yeah, Jay Carney…
Heh… Heheh. HA. BWHAHAHAHA RT @conartcritic: So Jay Carney helped write this 6 years ago. Enjoy:…
— Film Ladd (@FilmLadd) May 14, 2013
…who is fresh off a press conference. One that did not go well.
And that concludes today’s episode of As The Clown Squirms with Jay Carney.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) May 14, 2013
To put it mildly.
Moe Lane
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