Oh, dear. Terry McAuliffe really doesn’t know how the world works, does he?
In a May 2001 interview with C-SPAN, titled the “Life and Career of Terry McAuliffe,” the former Democratic National Committee chairman says one of the “reasons” his father, Jack, died was “he could not go into a new year knowing that a Republican was actually moving into the White House.”
While his father was in the hospital, McAuliffe’s mother “went and came back in five minutes later, and he had passed away. And I told the story, you know, I gave at the eulogy at his funeral, and there are many reasons why people thought Jack had died,” McAuliffe told C-SPAN. “He was 83 years old. And I said the main reason is that he could not go into a new year knowing that a Republican was actually moving into the White House. I just don’t think he could’ve handled that.”
(Via Hot Air) Or, you know, McAuliffe Senior just might have passed away. If my father had been a Republican*, I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t have used his passing as an excuse to slam President Obama. Because my father wasn’t a f*cking political prop, Terry.
Moe Lane
*He was a Democrat, and pleased as hell to be able to vote for Barack Obama in what ended up being his last election. And I was always careful to let him have that. Again: because my father wasn’t a f*cking political prop, Terry.
How rational and mature. Republicans are so awful they make people die just by existing. Clearly the answer is a one party system enjoyed by such paradises as Cuba, North Korea and China.
If his family was gunned down in front of him, Terry McAuliffe would immediately turn around and host a fundraiser for “Mayors against Illegal Guns”