Tweet of the Day, Hooters Brings The Awesome Down On Bob Filner’s Creepy Head edition.

They refuse to serve Bob Filner.

The funny thing is, I’ve been in a Hooters precisely once in my life; I got nothing against the chain, but I’m both happily married and long out of practice at leering. At this point in my life trajectory I just want the beer and the various fried items and the chance to read my book in peace and quiet and you’ll understand when you’re my age.

6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Hooters Brings The Awesome Down On Bob Filner’s Creepy Head edition.”

  1. Hey, just because you’ve already ordered doesn’t mean you can’t sample ordeurves -Bob Filner

  2. Hooters has decent wings and a decent (for a chain) cheesesteak. The best thing about the place is the Ziploc bag with ice in the beer.

  3. Heh, I’m 46, which I believe is quite close to your age, Moe, and I still love to look πŸ˜€ ‘Course, I’m also still single……

    1. LOL I’m the reverse: 26, single, and I’m pretty sure I arrived at the point Moe is at about two years ago. πŸ˜‰

  4. I used to go with my husband because they were one of the first places that had hot chicken tenders done like wings. Really didn’t see the big deal.

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