How is BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea: Episode 2?
Well, let me put it this way: you know how some people were complaining that BioShock Infinite had gone away from the entire survival horror thing and was pretty much a (highly enjoyable) exercise in making Things Go Boom? – Yeah, those people are going to love this DLC. I’m spending an inordinate amount of time hiding in ventilation shafts.
I’m having fun, to be sure. But I am not entirely certain how I am getting out of this game alive, or even if that is an option.
Spoiler Alert: Nothing specific, just overall impressions/critiques
Finished it early this morning. Overall, it’s a good bit of DLC. Nice length, great stealthy feel to the gameplay and it didn’t bog down. That said, I think the story was largely a pointless retcon of Bioshock 1 with next to no value added. Fine for what it is (and often times wonderfully executed and rendered) but what it is isn’t much.
I really feel the two story DLCs were a wasted opportunity to flesh out Columbia and Comstock. My takeaway is that Ken Levine didn’t really like the new setting he made for Infinite.