Back from vacation.

Hershey Park, in case it wasn’t obvious from my Twitter feed. Nice vacation – the children behaved! It’s almost as if they’re growing older and more civilized, or something – but I’m glad it’s done. Regular posting returns tomorrow.

Also: Happy Easter, for those who celebrate it.

11 thoughts on “Back from vacation.”

      1. Sounds an awful lot like home to me. If a bit short on dogs.
        If you’re going to reference your twitter feed, be nice to us and include a link! I’m just a caveman. Search engines frighten and confuse me*.
        *classical reference

        1. Only reason I knew Moe was on vacation was because he announced it here, but then again I don’t use twitter or facebook.

          Moe, btw I seriously doubt your kids are as bad as some liberals I debate on a routine basis. Just today one accused me of a campaign of misdirection, which if one thinks about it, is rather ridiculous since I’m on the Autistic Spectrum (people on the spectrum tend to be very candid, to point it can tick other people off). Needless to say he had to backtrack somewhat.

      2. *wakes up from sleeping on’s couch all weekend*
        Wow, did you just call the commentors here “hyperactive children on sugar boom-and-bust cycle” and that I should “flee this” site?

  1. Sounds like a blast. Was one of my favorite local parks when I used to live in that area of the country.

    Of course, I may have to murder someone now that I’ve got the “Hershey’s Chocolate” song stuck back in my head from their World of Chocolate ride…

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