Spoiler warning: you can’t.
(Via Gateway Pundit) I really hate saying this, but: this Politico article is, horribly, an indication that we’re apparently on the right track with this Benghazi investigation.
The U.S. Capitol Police are investigating threatening emails against Rep. Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican recently tapped to lead a special panel probing the Benghazi terrorist attacks.
The investigation comes after POLITICO reporters and journalists at other outlets received two emails on Tuesday warning that Gowdy would be harmed because of his role in investigating the 2012 attacks.
I don’t know how much of this is the normal cost of doing business – and oh, God, but a sordid business it is when getting death threats are considered to be just a part of it – but I’ll say this: if the Left really thinks that the Benghazi investigation isn’t relevant, they’ve picked a remarkably self-defeating way of expressing their opinion on the subject.
Moe Lane
PS: I do not blame the Democratic party for the aforementioned death threats, mind you. Actions are the responsibility of the actor. I merely note that these actions tend to subvert the existing Democratic narrative that Benghazi is clearly a nothing burger…
Trey Gowdy is essentially an outspoken scalawag.
If enough of the Democratic Party is nostalgic for the era when they could get away with openly murdering outspoken scalawags and carpetbaggers, the nutjobs in every organization would make such threats simply because he is more notable than usual right now.
Benghazi is an important issue of public trust (and the cynical abuse thereof).
The cockroaches deserve a bright light exposing them.
That said, I can’t help but feel it takes attention away from the IRS scandal. Which is *much* more important.
Yes, the media is actively complicit in trying to sweep all Obama’s many scandals under the rug.
But the sheer number of scandals is enough that eyes glaze over. Heck, I’m a political nerd and a news-junkie, and I have trouble keeping it all straight.
I do not know if Bengazi is more important than the IRS scandal. I lean toward Benghazi because four people died. I believe the administration is responsible for depriving them of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It also contributes to the appearance of a feckless, impotent military that will only cause more deaths. The IRS is a flagrant partizan abuse of power. It is at the height of political abuse. But good people died in Benghazi. And let us not forget that more than one hundred died in the Fast and Furious scandal. This administration deals in death. They claim thet right to execute Americans with drones. I for one, think they are murdering savages dressed up in Armani suits and expensive dresses.
I would think the people on the left particularly those associated with the Obama Administration are scared as to what could be uncovered. Otherwise we wouldn’t be seeing the death threats.