Democrats demagogue Voter ID laws in order to please their white liberal base. Period.

Because we’ve seen these results in the polls before:

Seven in 10 registered voters are in favor of identification laws in order to root out fraud at the ballot box, according to a Fox News poll released this week.

The survey found majority support in every major demographic, including black voters and Democrats.

…and we’re going to keep seeing them.  The Fox poll didn’t cross-tab for white liberals – probably not enough for a representative sample – but it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re the only group that would actually have majority opposition to voter ID laws.  The brutal truth of it is that most people find it perfectly rational to require a photo ID to vote, given that we pretty much need a photo ID to do everything else in this country. That the Left is so adamantly embracing the fringe position that this one thing be not subject to ID checks… suggests to me that there are indeed shenanigans going on.

Maybe not in the federal general elections: people watch for that stuff.  But are we watching the primaries as carefully? Or the local elections?  Anecdotal evidence suggests that the answer is ‘No’ – and if you don’t think that people wouldn’t take advantage of that, well, I envy you your political innocence.  While still hoping that it isn’t contagious, of course.

Via Hot Air.

10 thoughts on “Democrats demagogue Voter ID laws in order to please their white liberal base. Period.”

  1. Shenanigans take place in contested recounts, when everybody’s watching closely.
    Of course they happen in the general. In fact, we have incontestable evidence of it.
    Vote fraud has a long and sordid history in the US. If you believe it doesn’t exist, you’re willfully blind.
    And if you think this isn’t a major motivation of the “vote by mail”, “early-voting” and “internet voting” pushes, then you’re just an idiot.
    Of course, sometimes the shenanigans work in our favor. Up until a couple election cycles ago, Idaho had open primaries, and a good portion of the Dems would request a Rep primary ballot to vote for the candidate who they considered the most unelectable. Due to their interference, we got some really staunch conservative congresscritters out of the deal. (Over the objections of the state Republican Party, I might add. Which is why the primaries are now closed.)

        1. My level of confidence approaches 100%.
          Now, I’d peg the number where fraud was both necessary to win and adequate to win much lower. But voter fraud? Nearly every election. Including uncontested ones.

          1. I agree most elections are tainted.
            I mean, the retail Chicago approach to fraud involves a van full of guys who know who’s not going to be voting (because they’re dead or hospitalized or on vacation) and who drive from polling place to polling place voting *as the dead*.
            It’d look awful funny, not to mention leaving lots of potential payoffs on the table, if they’re only voting in one race, eh?
            * This ignores Chicago *wholesale* fraud, in which filled ballot boxes are discovered in the trunks of election judges’ cars late in the evening…

  2. I would add that vote fraud [which exclusively benefits the Left] is accepted and tolerated by both parties. The Institutional Republican party not only is disinclined to oppose Democrat vote fraud, they signed a Federal Court consent decree [which was renewed and still is in effect] agreeing to NEVER oppose vote fraud.

    If the Democrats can cheat at will, and the media wing of the Democrats and the Republicans will not protest; guess what the chances of changing things by elections is?

    1. Vote fraud may exclusively benefit the Left (as it’s an important part of machine politics).
      But you’re mad if you think the Republican party has clean hands.
      The Republican party demonstrably supports campaign finance laws that make it extremely difficult to run for office without the active support of an established political party. Do you really think they’re above putting their finger on the scales when it’s in their interest?
      Quite simply, the base has been demanding one thing from the Republican party for longer than I’ve been alive: to shrink the size and scope of the federal government.
      It hasn’t happened yet.
      It shows no sign of happening in the immediate future.
      This isn’t an unfortunate coincidence.
      (Of course the game’s rigged. Don’t let that stop you from playing.*)
      *Classical reference.

    2. Hence, the targeting of True the Vote.
      IIRC, the national Republican party engaged in some low-level mischief. They got caught and had to pledge not to intervene in the future.
      With them gone, the only group that was going to investigate voter fraud was citizen activists.

    1. Ummm, because the bulk of the Democrat party are made of people who think RenFaires accurately portray the ratio of knights and nobles to serfs…?
      They think, for absolutely no logical reason, that they should be the ones inhabiting the castles and ivory towers, and seek – by any means necessary – to obtain what *should be theirs*.
      I believe the appropriate classical reference is “Poor Superman”.

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