Don’t look now, but apparently the Left has just realized that they’ve lost the racism wars:
RT @jlocke25: The Last Paragraph. “@Slate: Why don’t Millennials understand racism?”
— Sissy Willis (@SissyWillis) May 18, 2014
Here’s the basic point-and-laugh paragraph for the post, which is about a recent MTV poll of Millenial voters.
Overall, MTV confirms the general view of millennials: Compared with previous generations, they’re more tolerant and diverse and profess a deeper commitment to equality and fairness. At the same time, however, they’re committed to an ideal of colorblindness that leaves them uncomfortable with race, opposed to measures to reduce racial inequality, and a bit confused about what racism is.
Translation: Millennials apparently don’t see racism the way that the Slate author – Jamelle Bouie, who has the misfortune of persistently not understanding how things work in the real world – sees racism (starting and ending with white privilege, naturally). Bouie is particularly upset, apparently, that Millennials don’t like affirmative action programs. There are a few comments that could be made, there: I shall be kind, and refrain from making them,
Moe Lane
PS: Minority voters also like Voter ID laws. Since we’re discussing unpopular fringe beliefs found among the American Left, and all that.
Bad news for people who make a living writing about racism, but I’m sure they will try to keep it alive as long as possible.
I am skeptical of race quotas too. I think that they are also getting the soft bigotry of low expectations.
“But…but…if they disregard all the fake racism claims as unimportant, who will carry on The Struggle?!”
I am starting to agree with Barry Goldwater that the 64 CRA should have stopped at outlawing government enforced segregation. For one thing, there was a vibrant black economy supported by segregation. Eventually, most whites only businesses would realized that they would profit by serving a black clientele while black businesses would have been given time to adjust to competition with white businesses. Urban renewal destroyed black communities, while the CRA hurt black business and the Great Society undermined the black family structure. What would the progressives have done differently if their goal was to hurt our black population?
I actually believe the welfare programs that got started with the “War on Poverty” is the primary culprit in undermining family structure. The schools that African Americans had to go to while segregation was running rampant was significantly substandard for instance. So African Americans would have been behind White Americans from an education standpoint if they remained in those schools.
I honestly believe the “Great Society” garbage completely undermined the success of the Civil Rights Movement.
My beliefs go slightly further, Garfield, and assert that the *point* of the “great society garbage” was to pervert the civil rights movement and to undermine the fabric of black society.
Of course, I also believe LBJ was a sociopath, and possibly behind the Kennedy assassination, but that’s a conspiracy theory for another day.
Seriously, though .. would you put attempting to corrupt JFK’s legacy past LBJ?
Corrupt? JFK promised something to the white supremacists to get elected.
LBJ either was restructuring Jim Crow cosmetically to pass the newer inspections, or he was discontinuing it, and seeking it replace it with something that would make a political profit then and into the future.
JFK didn’t have a real problem with Jim Crow, as he was dependent on money, charisma, and political machines. New England Democrats could only trust Southern Democrats to be able to use segregation to supply votes in the Federal Legislature. They could only diagnose the problems that hit national attention. It took a Southern Democrat of rare vision, ability, and judgment to understand that the world was changing, and that some of yesterday’s tools would no longer work so well, and might well start turning a loss. It took a well connected insider to be able to change things so that The Party could continue to profit.
In Iraq, if you wanted to be somebody, even a mere junior dog killer, you joined the Ba’ath Party. In the Third Reich, you joined the NSDAP. In those areas with Jim Crow, you registered Democrat. Those who fought in WWII were, as a result, perhaps more exercised over the tyrant Hitler than the tyrant Lincoln. The southern veterans of WWII were never going to just fall as easily in line with the system as those of WWI did. There were always going to be defections to the GOP, with the GOP perhaps even becoming competitive in some areas. Buying into an ideological war with the NSDAP, and the Imperial Japanese was to some extent the same as buying into an ideological conflict with the Democratic Party in the south.
FDR, being a Yankee, perhaps did not understand this, or did not care. LBJ seems to have had more loyalty to The Party, and a longer term perspective.
There is no need to bring in LBJ when the communists are so close to hand, and explain the Kennedy assassination so well. Well, the ‘It was racism’ narrative, which LBJ was in a position to have championed, could have served to help whitewash LBJ and The Party. I think LBJ spun it, but I don’t have a strong reason to think he caused it.
I essentially divide American history into two eras when it comes to guessing whether a killing/death is one of The Party’s political murders. The Kennedy assassination is right on the edge. In one era, I think Steve Renfroe might well have murdered those two at Party direction. In the other, I dunno about Brietbart and that I guy I knew who was investigating historical Party atrocities, but I hope the Democrats don’t still have the pull to get away scot free with that stuff.
Segregated schools were part of the government enforced system which was rightfully overturned by the CRA. Busing students passed the nearest school because of race was an insidious practice before and after segregation.
Good teachers are the most important asset to a school. Many inner city schools are today staffed by the least experienced teachers under our current system:
I contend that urban renewal was the first blow since vibrant poorer communities were broken up and their inhabitants dispersed into anonymous government housing.
What a surprise a generation that sees taco bars and camels as racist has no clue what their talking about.
I am not so sure that it is the fault of the generation as it is the fault of the progressive school administrators who pay excessive attention to the minority of whiners who echo their own positions.