I am having real difficulty getting over this cold.

This is me not trying to pretend otherwise anymore.  I’m going to bed early and be done with it.

3 thoughts on “I am having real difficulty getting over this cold.”

  1. As the president of the reorganized Commenters Union Local 6428 (Maryland is not a Right-To-Work state after all), I have to inform you that you cannot dock us commenters if you turn in early. Just so you know.
    ((Go rest and get better, Moe!))

  2. Moe, get well! Get well now. Boil a cup of water, add bourbon, lime and honey. Savor.

    O/T What is going on over at PJ Media! Are they offline?

  3. Linus Pauling thought that vitamin C cured the common cold. Not so. What massive doses of vitamin C ( a few grams a day ) does is to change your body chemistry so that the cold virus has a harder time to reproduce, thus allowing your body, if given enough rest, to overcome.

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