…Yup. They’re really going to do “Batman: The High School Years.”

Excuse me: ‘Gotham.’


Still haven’t decided if this is gonna suck or not.

5 thoughts on “…Yup. They’re really going to do “Batman: The High School Years.””

  1. It’s going to suck.
    You could get away with it with Superman and Smallville because “innocence” is part of Superman’s idiom, and because Lex Luthor is a complex and sympathetic enough character that you can make him Clark Kent’s high school rival without making him into a joke.
    You can get away with Spiderman (and any of his “high school superfriends” cartoons), because growing up is his shtick (not that he ever actually manages it.)
    But Batman? His shtick is that he’s cynical, ruthless, crazy-prepared, and often morally ambiguous. Unless you’re talking about a “mean girls” story (and I shudder to think of it), there isn’t much here that’s a natural fit.
    Watch in horror as Bruce Wayne is paralyzed by angst and uncertainty.
    See him peek up Selena Kyle’s skirt in homeroom, and their off again/on again romance.
    Watch him emotionally destroy the class clown.
    See him stalk bullies by night that he couldn’t touch during the day without giving himself away.

    1. If you look at the earlier comics of Superboy, apparently Lex Luthor did know Clark Kent when they were both kids…

      As far as this series, I don’t think it will work personally.

  2. Apparently they’ve cast a 10 year old kid as Bruce Wayne, which is kinda short of the high school years.


    Yeah, this seems like it has disaster written all over it. Unlike Clark Kent, who presumably would start discovering who he was as a child, Bruce Wayne really can’t be Batman or do Batman-like things until he’s an adult.


    Unless they wanna do a JL8 type thing, which I would totally watch.

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