Carl Cannon (H/T: Hot Air), noting that Barack Obama’s response to the border refugee crisis is pretty much contemptible (well, I think that it’s contemptible), especially considering both a) how his predecessor acted during Hurricane Katrina and b) how then-Senator Obama commented about George Bush at the time (spoiler warning: rudely):
Although Obama probably doesn’t have to go to the border personally to be an effective leader, he may owe George W. Bush an apology.
…Barack Obama would sooner remove one of his own testicles with a rusty spoon than do that.
Moe Lane
PS: I wonder how it feels, knowing that the face of your party is the moral inferior of the man who preceded him. I wouldn’t know: I’m a Republican.
Yeah, that hasn’t happened to Republicans since ’89.
Moe, this immigration crisis is deliberate, Obama really doesn’t want this problem solved because he sees this as thousands of new Democrat voters.
I laughed when you implied barack obama had testicles. oh man that was a good one, Moe.