Mind you, this isn’t a bug.
An undercover operation found that the majority of fake Obamacare applications submitted were approved by the health law’s enrollment system.
Fake applicants were able to get subsidized insurance coverage in 11 of 18 attempts, according to a report from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office. The agency conducted the sting operation to test the strength of the Affordable Care Act’s eligibility-verification system.
The findings will be discussed at a House Ways and Means hearing Wednesday. They were revealed in an advance copy of the testimony from Seto Bagdoyan, head of GAO’s Forensic Audits and Investigative Service, provided to the Associated Press.
More accurately, the administration hasn’t particularly acted as if this sort of thing was a bug. A scam still counted as a signup, after all: and the Obama administration was absolutely desperate to get signups, pretty much by any means necessary. Note: I am not saying that the administration deliberately let people scam the system. I am saying that keeping people from scamming the system was in no way a priority for anybody involved with Obamacare.
Not that one should expect the Democrats to be anything but cavalier with your tax money, of course. Far too many of them are bitter about the fact that you technically had that money to be taxed in the first place.
Moe Lane
After WWII, Britain was ruled by a party that wanted an allowance society: the government would take all you earnings, supply all your needs and give you some spending money on the side so you could buy you fags and pints. Britain experienced food and fuel rationing until 1954.