Quote of the day, “a brooding and pervasive devotion to the secular” edition.

The US Court of Appeals, in the process of telling a bunch of insecure atheists* why they should sit down and shut up about the 9-11 Cross:

In short, neutrality is not so rigid and absolute a principle as to command “a brooding and pervasive devotion to the secular.”

It will undoubtedly go to the Supreme Court, of course. At least for review.  Because apparently some people don’t have anything better to do with their lives.

Moe Lane

*Look, I don’t think that atheists should be discriminated against when it comes to jobs, social standing, or even their presence in foxholes (that was an old New Yorker cartoon, IIRC).  But there’s a certain contingent – nobody I know personally, or who comment here, but they do exist – who give an excellent impression of thinking that if they just yell loudly enough that God doesn’t exist it’ll drown out the little voice inside their heads that says Maybe He does.

11 thoughts on “Quote of the day, “a brooding and pervasive devotion to the secular” edition.”

  1. There is no religious group so outspoken or obnoxious like the born-again atheists.

    1. The Westbareo (sp?) baptists actually do give radical atheists a run for their money on this issue.

      So do groups like CAIR, and many pro-palestinian groups.

      1. Nobody treats the Westboro Baptists as if they’re legitimate.
        However Significant numbers of the MSM treat these evangelical anti-theists as if they’re rational and respectable members of the public discourse.
        Heck one of our two major political parties courted their vote in 2012.

        1. I regret to inform you, midwestconservative, that your first assertion is in error.
          I’ve seen – it’s rare, but I do swim in some strange waters – Westboro asshats quoted as though they are somehow making sense, by people who really ought to know better.

          1. No, they’re not legitimate. WBC is a troll group, formed by Democrats when they realized:
            1) There aren’t any Christian groups larger than, say, a dozen people that behave the way the left believes they do
            2) Leftists would bend over backwards to enable such a group to be as obnoxious and provocative as possible
            3) The press would give them all the publicity they needed
            4) They could support themselves off the lawsuits they attracted

    2. Progressives are a religious group that are more outspoken and obnoxious than atheists.

  2. Anti-theists are to a-theists as libertines are to libertarians.
    They both (anti-theists and libertines) claim membership in the latter group, they are generally too immature to understand the distinction that make their claim preposterous, and they get remarkably pissy when challenged.
    We used to have a place to warehouse these people until they could grow up and become useful .. we called it college .. sadly, in both cases, the idiots have taken over.

  3. Does that mean that we have to stop displaying anti-religious imagery when we outlaw religious imagery?

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