…which, by the way, I will be not taking a laptop, Chromebook, or tablet to. I got the phone, and an iPod for tunes, and that’s it.
So expect zero posts until the weekend’s over. If I don’t write about it tonight, it’ll have to wait a couple of days.
Moe Lane
PS: Yup, I’m only doing a weekend Pennsic trip. Kids.
What did you decide on for your CPAP power?
Hotel room. 🙂
Enjoy the looks as you walked, garb-clad, through the lobby?
The looks from the mundanes are a lot of fun, at least last time I went to the war.
They’re used to it by now at Slippery Rock. What they mostly see is the piles of cash that we’re about to drop into the local food, beer, ice, pallets, and wood economy.
I presume at least some of the craftsfolk are local as well.
I recall seeing some beautiful pieces for sale that I wouldn’t have considered transporting very far … but then, I’m lazy.
My sister and her husband have a place up near Sandusky, OH. A few years ago my parents and I were visiting and stayed in a nearby hotel.
About a third of the other people staying at the hotel were going to Nationals at Camp Perry that weekend. These weren’t people in garb — they were carrying rifles. Cased, but it was clear they had rifles and range bags.
Never felt safer at a hotel in my life.
What’s a Pennsic?
Pennsic is an annual event, in the guise of a “War”, between the Kingdoms of the East and the Middle of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
That is what I got off the internet. Your guess is as good as mine as to what that means.
Pennsic? It’s like a RenFaire where everyone’s in costume, it’s like a trunk sale where everyone’s selling stuff from the middle ages, it’s like a county fair .. if they’d done county fairs in the 1300s, it’s a test of skills with sword and shield, it’s a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones, it’s a chance to eat and drink and sing and not have anyone complain (as long as your cell phone doesn’t ring…)
So .. yeah. You either get it or you don’t.
I get the appeal of the SCA.
I’ve just met too many members of the SCA that I wouldn’t voluntarily associate with.
I’ve met many, many members of the human race I’d prefer not to voluntarily associate with .. yet, here we are.
At least in the context of Pennsic, you can openly carry a deadly weapon around with you.
What kind of backwards place do you live where you can’t?
(About the human race, I agree. But I avoid those members whenever possible. It’s mostly pretty easy to do.)
I believe I’ve said this before, but this cat posts from the shadow of Chicago.
The State of Illinois, where if they can’t outlaw private ownership of firearms, they can take six months or more to complete a background check that’s legally mandated to happen in 1 month..
Not to mention, one of the most successful “mommies against scary gun-shaped things” bastions, because guns are dark majik and will kill you if you look at ’em wrong.
So .. yeah. Some days, carrying a claymore would be an improvement.
My wife’s from that area. She keeps trying to get me to move back that way. While ya’ll have some darned good food, I haven’t been tempted.
Northern Indiana, southern Michigan, southern Wisconsin (away from the lake) ..
Close enough to Chi-town that you can get good food, but in States that aren’t nearly as dysfunctional.
Heh. Move her to Packer territory, and I’m pretty sure she’d spontaneously combust.
Moe, you’re missing some very interesting news. Barney Frank is accusing Obama of lieing to the American People (guess it takes a lieing weasel to know a lieing weasel).
Also, ISIS defeated the Kurdish militias and seized Mosul dam.
Frank is a true proggie believer, and sees the damage Obama has done to his cause.
The interesting thing is how early Frank has gotten out in front of the obvious.
If you see Guy W (from the Detroit area) …say hi from Jim F….