Your absolutely horrid thought of the day: Adolf Hitler exists in the Cars universe.

No, really.

That’d make one hell of a reverse Downfall parody video, though. Up until the moment that the maker of it was sued into oblivion.

Moe Lane

PS: By the way, The Pixar Theory is endlessly fascinating.

4 thoughts on “Your absolutely horrid thought of the day: Adolf Hitler exists in the Cars universe.”

  1. Hey, here’s a thought. What if Lotso was CARS universe Hitler and instead of sending cars to the camps, it was sentient TOYS that were rounded up. According to Pixar Unified Theory, there should be sentient toys in the Cars universe, but we never see them.

  2. CAN’T YOU SEE?!?!?! IT ALL FITS TOGETHER!!!!!!1!!!1!!
    This style of logic seems all too familiar to me. I have a longtime friend who has come to believe in CHEMTRAILS. Anything that fits the theory is evidence. Anything that refutes the theory is planted disinformation to mislead you. And it all fits together, doesn’t it?
    Do the sentient aircraft in “Planes” leave chemtrails?

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