8 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, I Fully Endorse This Definition edition (NSFW).”

  1. Not having direct experience myself, I always figured the phrase “doesn’t have the sense God gave a goose” was probably a pretty significant insult.

  2. When I was at NSPS they were HUGE p i t a. There wasn’t a square inch of that base that wasn’t covered in goose crap.

  3. Moe:
    Give them a couple more weeks and they will be capable of flying again – them and the chicks. Molting season is almost over….
    But, nothing like a Large Red-Bone/Lab Mix (R) to police your lake-front backyard, tho!

  4. Looks like goose season over there starts in october, with very reasonable bag limits? Seems like a solution waiting for you…

  5. Geese are not particularly agile flyers if you want to get them off your lake plant trees. Having swans around helps too.

  6. I especially hate when they crap on the greens. Hard to read a put when you have to figure how many pieces of goose crap your ball has to go over or around.

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