Nickel-and-diming our way back to a significant troop presence, apparently:
The White House just announced that President Obama authorized hundreds of extra troops on the ground to protect the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement that that the Defense Department authorization stemmed from a State Department request for “approximately 350 additional U.S. military personnel to protect our diplomatic facilities and personnel.”
I wonder if the President’s own hardcore supporters believe the man on this, at this point. Can’t decide whether it’s worse if they do, or if they don’t.
No comment from Oslo.
It looks like he’s just sending some troops to say he sent troops, I don’t think he’s being serious about confronting ISIS.
Looks like I was right, they aren’t even being allowed to leave the front gates of the embassy.
Every time he sends troops he gets media play for it. So there’s that. But it seems to me it’s more because he’s an idiot when it comes to foreign policy (and either his advisers are too, or he ignores them). He just throws something out there in the hopes that it works. He admitted he has no strategy, and that’s true in more areas than just ISIS.
The promise of “no boots on the ground” had a remarkably fast expiration date. Even for Obama.
But at least someone along the line decided to stop calling them “military advisers”. Over the last century, the Democratic party has learned nothing, and forgotten nothing.