Tweet of the Day, Dammit, Joan Rivers Specifically ASKED For This edition.

Hell, she DEMANDED it.

Even if you didn’t like Joan Rivers – and God knows that the woman could infuriate anybody who doesn’t know the connotations of the place name ‘Catskills’ – this is how she wanted it, and that should be the end of it. So unleash the glitz.


Jonah gets it.

2 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Dammit, Joan Rivers Specifically ASKED For This edition.”

  1. Whatever you thought of Joan Rivers, she was close to her daughter and was all about her family.
    Wherever she is now, it just got a little bit more fabulous.

  2. Oh, c’mon now, we all know Joan River died decades ago — it just took a while for all the animatronics in her corpse to run down.

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