More kind of light posting today, probably.

We’re getting the carpets steam-cleaned. Which meant that I had to vacuum the house. All at once. …And dang if I don’t have more of an appreciation for people who had to clean carpets before the vacuum cleaner. Even with one it’s more work than you’d think.

I tell you, doing all this housework stuff gives me a somewhat better understanding of some of the societal pressures going on in the Fifties and Sixties. I’m imagining this gig without the Internet to give me some kind of intellectual outlet, and cringing…

6 thoughts on “More kind of light posting today, probably.”

  1. It was all area rugs and rug beaters before the vacuum. There was a reason even moderately large houses had staff.

  2. I’m loving that the kids (all of them!) are in school. I’m getting a chance to scrape and paint the house. It’s glorious actually seeing progress, knowing that it won’t be undone within minutes.

  3. Wood floors are not much better. My wife vacuums and “swifers” the floor at least twice a day, all the while yelling at the dog in Tagalog for shedding. Poor mutt just looks at her, all sad and uncomprehending.

    I point out to my wife that she also sheds quite a bit, clogging up the shower drain. This causes her to launch several verbal salvos in my direction. I’m sure the dog appreciates my efforts.

  4. Heh. Just imagine what keeping a house ready for showings at all times is like .. *Ding* “You have showing scheduled in 1 hour” …

    1. I guess what I’m saying here, Moe, is .. you’re not selling, are you? If so, then .. with all sincerity .. good luck!

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