Tweet of the Day, Just Wait Until Joe Biden Is The Nominee edition.

What, you think Hillary Clinton is going to be the nominee?  Give me a break.  Barack Obama was able to beat Hillary Clinton.  Anyway:

Good to know.

Moe Lane

Via Hot Air. I don’t normally mention comments sections, but I do have to note this: I hate to break it to people, but you really do need at least read The Merchant of Venice if you’re taking this entire ‘well-rounded education’ thing seriously. You just do.

8 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Just Wait Until Joe Biden Is The Nominee edition.”

  1. Well Moe, people don’t read the Bard anymore because they were taught that he was an “old dead white male.” So is Biden, (brain dead anyway) so of course he quotes the Bard.

  2. I’ll admit to ignorance of “The Merchant of Venice”. We didn’t cover that one in English lit in High School. Macbeth, Midsummer’s Night Dream, bits of the historical plays, selected sonnets.

  3. I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs,
    dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not

    Jews would have been quite exotic creatures to the audience as they had been expelled from England three centuries before the time the play was written.

    1. A rather .. flexible .. expulsion, one that was often repeated, usually right after borrowing quite a bit of money from ’em.
      I will admit, I’m somewhat surprised our vice president didn’t use the word “bankster”.

  4. In fairness, Biden is the Democrat’s strongest candidate on foreign policy.
    “Fair” does not preclude “cruel”. In fact, it sometimes requires it.

  5. Unfortunately, I don’t think we can go after Biden on this because he has a well known reputation for making random off-the-wall comments.

    I do think that trait will hurt him in an election, but not necessarily the comments themselves, because people kind of expect him to make random off-the-wall comments that are sometimes offensive.

    It’s why the Democrats never really got any traction when they bashed Bush for mis-speaking, everyone knew he wasn’t a good public speaker, and it got to the point that the Democrats started to look petty when they kept bashing him for it.

    Now if we can find and establish a pattern of him making comments specifically bashing the Jewish People, then I think this is something that could be used against him in a Presidential Election.

    1. Except for the fact that Bush’s “bushisms” were mostly mispronounced words, not to my knowledge anything racially offensive.

  6. Let it go. That is Joe Biden. He is allowed to put his foot in mouth or wherever he wants to…. Rhetorical Flourish as the “bright clean and nice looking guy” once remarked.

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