11 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Gah Mih Joe Biden Opens His Mouth Gah Bob Packwood I Don’t Even edition.”

  1. (crossly) Now I have to google Bob Packwood to be reminded why my vague recollection of him is “POS well disposed of”….

        1. I thought k-street was pretty much the political sewer….? 😉 Flushed out of congress, at any rate.
          Your point is (sadly) a valid one. Considering that life seems to have a sick sense of irony, he probably gets paid to lobby on “women’s issues”…..

  2. I could see Biden missing him, because that guy would be the perfect shiny object to distract people from the mess that the democrats are causing.

  3. Cuz Packwood isn’t a, you know, you know, wink, wink, uhhhh…. banker. AMIRITE!!
    *I had to look it up – wikipedia says UU (sorry Moe)

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