Uninsured choosing to pay Obamacare tax, instead of getting much more expensive plans.

I told you so.
I told you so.
I told you so.

Yahoo News:

Marsha Danley, 56, was among those who earned too much to qualify for a subsidy. It’s been more than a decade since Danley last had a insurance. After losing her job at a tech company during the dot-com crash, she worked for a string of small employers that didn’t offer benefits.

The Napa, Calif., accountant earns $68,000 a year (well above the $45,000 individual income threshold to qualify for tax subsidies) and was quoted $500 a month for a benchmark Silver plan, which came with a $5,000 annual deductible.


“Taking a hit on my tax refund is a lot cheaper than paying $6,000 a year for a plan and another $5,000 for a deductible,” she says. “That’s a total waste of money for me. That can be better put to paying off my debt.”

I continually find it amazing that the Democratic party put all of its domestic policy eggs in one basket like this. Particularly since the entire Obamacare system – absolutely the entire system – was based on the idea that American consumers can’t do math. And before anybody says that they can’t, that particular sneer is mostly aimed at things like algebra and trigonometry. When it comes to checkbook stuff we all turn into human calculators; particularly when it comes to figuring out whether six hundred bucks is less, or more, than eleven thousand. Turns out that they can, and plan accordingly.

Now we just need to get them to go vote accordingly, too.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

8 thoughts on “Uninsured choosing to pay Obamacare tax, instead of getting much more expensive plans.”

  1. It’s incredible, how bad the Obamacare design really is.
    I remain cautiously optimistic that Jindal has his paws on whatever replaces it, with the result that it retains some of the more positive potentials while junking the .. junk.

    1. We owe a debt of gratitude to RINO / Northeast Republican Scott Brown. The Democrats would not have been forced to accept the unedited, first draft of Obamacare if he had lost his election. I do believe they were planning on applying some interesting “fixes” to the PPACA in the House-Senate committee.

      He will make a good senator for New Hampshire.

      1. Agreed. Miracle Pudding Brown was the one vote we needed, when we needed it.
        Of course, if Norm Coleman had had the mother-wit to *fight* the fraud that cost him his race in Minnesota …

        1. The recount was stacked against Norm Coleman by the DFL Secretary of State who made every questionable decision in Franken’s favor. Still, Coleman fought the case all the way to the Minn Supreme Court before conceding eight months after the election.

          1. Eh. Coleman fought ineffectively; the deck was clearly stacked, and yet he insisted on behaving the gentleman.
            We need more street fighter in our politicians – when the deck is stacked, go for the carotid *first*.

    1. Heh,they can try to cart me off to jail. My life pretty much sucks canal water, anyway.

    2. ” I look forward to them carting me off to jail.”

      In the John Galt sense?

      Since they can’t actually do anything to you for not paying the tax, you’re just saying that to tweak Democrats, right?

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