Quote of the Day, …And Nobody In California Thinks About It edition.

Look, the basic problem for California right now is that it hasn’t rained enough for the last few years.  It’d still wouldn’t have rained enough if the state had been run on free-market libertarian principles for that time, either.  But let’s not pretend that government can’t ever make things worse:

Property owners have long sought to divert more water from streams and build new wells, but efforts have been slow. Concern about promoting development or taking water from wildlife often got in the way, along with the sheer expense of new construction.

“People will throw a foot valve into a stream rather than fix a well,” said Steve Simms, a lifetime San Mateo County resident who runs a Pescadero plumbing business and consults on water. “It becomes this whole layer of bureaucracy and costs that they have to deal with.”

The state of California does not exist to give wildlife a home, and onerous paperwork is almost as much of a dubious luxury as the delta smelt is. I half dread the next Census report: the good news is, we might actually see California lose a seat.  The bad news is, it’ll be because all of those people have moved, and I’m not convinced that enough of them have learned their lesson…

Moe Lane

7 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, …And Nobody In California Thinks About It edition.”

  1. The bad news is, it’ll be because all of those people have moved, and I’m not convinced that enough of them have learned their lesson …
    Quite a few of the people who moved are the people who did learn their lesson, and who got out before the inevitable collapse. (That includes yours truly.) But the result is that those who remain are concentrating the stupidity. They’ll be getting what they deserve, good and hard.

    1. As someone whose parents and brother still live in California, I’m going to take issue that they are concentrating the stupidity or that they deserve what is going on there.

      1. and it’s mostly in greater SF. LA, save for Hollywood types, is just a normal big city except that it’s really, really big. San Diego, because it’s an overgrown Navy town, is one of the most Republican big cities in America (meaning both parties are viable). And eastern CA is typical farm country. But 80% democratic greater SF — even in the suburbs — pretty much wrecks things for everyone else.

    2. We’re being deluged by their economic refugees here in Idaho. They might even comprise an outright majority of the state’s population by now.
      Some of them were those with the sense to flee. For the most part, these aren’t bad sorts. Although they like pork to an unhealthy degree and don’t respect our folkways.
      But the others… The state Democratic party’s platform expressly calls for destroying the top 5 industries in the state. (Agriculture, logging, tourism, mining, and high-tech–the last relying on the renewable resource of hydropower, which somehow became EVIL a couple decades back.) Yet they reliably get over 40% of the vote.

      1. Well, my parents stay because my dad has access to Travis AFB’s wonderful hospital and VA services (They’re one of the few good ones in the country) and my brother is a flight nurse who lives in an isolated area in the mountains with no hippies. Can’t blame them too badly for sticking around and making the best of things.

  2. I’m quite sure that some in Cali think about it .. but most people think too small and/or ineffectively. The Greenies prey on this, “global warming means I *personally* will roast like a hot dog on a fourth of july bonfire” (or, updated version, “.. will freeze like an ice-pop on some creeper’s ice cream truck”.
    Thinking big enough and effectively used to be respected, but .. we appear to be well into an episode of Heinleinian “bad luck”.
    Personally, I’m thinking big and hopefully effective, and getting the hell out of the way of the most obvious elements of the coming lunacy and crash.

  3. I grew up in Southern California in the 50’s and 60’s. It was a different world then. We had eight years of Ronald Reagan as governor. Things were good. I left in 1969. Now I think we dont wanrt to encourage them to leave that failed third world state. We want to quarentine the leftists there. God forbid they move to Texas and do the same thing to it that they did to my former home.

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