I offer all of you tentative congratulations on surviving Thanksgiving weekend.

This one was fraught, given that I was supposed to be spending it in a West Virginia cabin out in the woods.  Turns out that the woods in question got snow-bombed just before we were going to leave, so… well.  We adapted and overcame.  The house is even remarkably tidy at this point.

Which is good, because I plan to take a nice nap just as soon as everybody else goes about their Mondays. After I run a couple of errands, of course…

Moe Lane

PS: Seriously, I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving.

One thought on “I offer all of you tentative congratulations on surviving Thanksgiving weekend.”

  1. That sounds like one of those you will remember fondly.
    The mis/unplanned ones usually are.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Moe.

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