I mean, I get that Ronald Brownstein of the National Journal has a narrative to feed, but come on.
It’s a stunning fact that a Republican Party that still depends on whites for 90 percent of its votes has more viable minority leaders to consider for its 2016 presidential ticket than do Democrats.
It’s only stunning if you assume that white people will not vote for minorities. Now, I grant that this is true for Democrats, historically speaking: and before you say ‘Barack Obama’ let me just note that the President typically comes across as the reincarnation of Woodrow Wilson*. At any rate, getting a white Democrat to vote for a minority in a statewide race or better is like pulling teeth with a pair of pliers. It can be done, but not gently.
Which is, by the way, why the next Democratic California Senate nominee will be a white person. Very probably a white dude. I’d apologize for that, except it’s not my fault.
Moe Lane
*This is not a compliment. In fact, if you look at how I mean that then in some historical eras I’d be at risk for being challenged to a duel for saying it.
Woodrow Wilson. Ugh.
Is have to guess the comparison of BO to WW is either “most racist since” or “least competent since”. So hard to choose…
reject the tyranny of OR
Oh, but don’t count on it too much Moe, CA is ethnically diverse enough, and the CA Democratic party has been playing the racial identity politics game for so long that some groups ( La Raza in particular) are going to get the notion that its their turn*, and that the CA DEMs owe them for past support.
While I think it will eventually be Gavin Newsom ( who is both white and a dude) I don’t think he’ll get the nod easily. There will be a lot of overt racism on the Democrat side of things in CA. And if there are multiple non-white candidates of various ethnicities, then Democrats will be tossing racial slurs like their holiday greetings.
*Loretta Sanchez will probably run.
correction *they are*
The Illinois State Democrats pulled some pretty big teeth to get Obama elected at all.